AMR's Titles Database

AMR�s exclusive �Titles Database� is the key resource for business planning in the home video industry. It contains AMR�s carefully researched estimates of VHS and DVD unit shipments and supplier revenues for over 850 feature films released to the U.S. video rental and sell-through market last year. 

Long respected as the most reliable source of per-title performance data, the AMR Titles Database has just been refined, and is now an even more valuable analytical tool. AMR is now separately estimating the rental component for every DVD and sell-through-priced VHS beginning in 2001. That means you can have three full years worth of comparable data as you track the changing trends in video in 2004. 

AMR�s Titles Database 2005:
Start receiving your quarterly updates on the 2005 new releases.  Pricing below.

AMR�s Titles Database 2004 complete:

You can now own Adams Media Research�s estimates of DVD and VHS shipments and gross revenue on all new releases in 2004. This detailed database breaks out every important factor in a film�s performance in theaters and on video: units shipped to rental stores, units shipped to retail stores, the DVD-to-VHS ratio, the box-office-to-video ratio�essentially a complete history of each feature film through about 80% of its domestic market run. The Titles Database even includes a synopsis, top stars and director for each film. There is a list of fields provided in the table below.

Title MPAA Rating Total VHS Revenue
Studio Actors VHS Revenue from Rental 
Street Date Director VHS Revenue from S-T
VHS Suggested Retail Price Synopsis Standard Distribution Equivalents 
Wholesale Cost VHS Full Price Units DVD Suggested Retail Price
Movie Run Time VHS Copy Depth Units DVD Units
Weeks in Theater Total VHS Units DVD Units into Rental
Screens at Widest Release VHS Units into Rental DVD  Units into Sell-Through
Box Office Millions VHS Units into S-T DVD Revenue
Genre VHS Wholesale (Full Price) Rev. DVD Revenue from Rental
Release Pattern VHS Copy Depth Revenue DVD Revenue from Sell-Through
Titles Database Pricing:

  2005      $4,995 for full year, get all the data on current titles (updated quarterly). 
2004      $3,995 for full year *includes DVD-into-rental and sell-through-VHS-into-rental 

  2001-2003      $1,995 per individual year *includes DVD-into-rental and sell-through-VHS-into-rental
  1996-2000      $1,295 per individual years data. Prior years available by request to 1989. 
Purchase individual titles @ $75 per title, price breaks at 10, 50,  and 100-plus titles; custom sorts and  �on-demand� research available.
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