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About US Cinema Intelligence
US Cinema Intelligence offers you reliable and continually updated business information on the US cinema industry. This service is designed to act as your own personalised media research department, enabling you to stay up to date with the latest trends and forecasts for the industry and thereby make fully informed decisions for the benefit of your company and clients.

As with all our US Intelligence services, US Cinema Intelligence is supported by a team of dedicated analysts, providing range of key market metrics, including

  • Market background: demographics and socio economic profiles of cinema goers
  • Earnings: at the box office by distributor, market share and releases by distributor
  • Revenue and admissions figures: monthly, quarterly and forecasts
  • Development of the multiplex; multiplex screens and sites as a share of the total market
  • Proprietary data on cinema advertising revenues by advertising operator
  • Screens, admissions and box office by exhibitor; exhibitor market shares
  • Box office performance of leading films
  • Market features: updates on norms and practices

The industry is monitored continuously so that you receive only the most up to date figures on releases, box office performance and admissions levels, and can quickly account for the impact of news stories. The spreadsheet format of our data also enables you to undertake your own analysis or simply include relevant figures and tables in your own projects and reports
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