The Outlook for TVDVD
A Strategic Analysis Of The U.S. & European Markets
Executive Summary
1. TV DVD, an introduction
2. Building a market for TV on DVD
3. Sizing the TVDVD business
• Europe
• UK
• France
• Germany
4. Distribution: Content is the key
5. The Producer�s Perspective
6. Aspects of Retail
7. What Sells a TVDVD?
8. Economics of Production
9. Challenges and opportunitiesTables and Charts
USA: Consumer spending on TVDVD 2000-2004
Top US TV properties: domestic sales
UK TVDVD as a % of total spending 2000-2004
Western Europe TVDVD revenues 2000-2004
France: TVDVD as proportion of total sales: 2002-2004
US video spending split by sector: 1995-2004
West European video spending split by sector: 1995-2004
UK: TV as proportion of total video sales: 1995-2004
UK TV Top 10: 1998
DVD penetration vs. non-feature DVD share
Women as proportion of TVDVD buyers 2004
Women as proportion of TVDVD Comedy buyers 2004
Women as proportion of TVDVD Drama buyers 2004
35-50 year olds as proportion of DVD buyers 2004
Average prices in $: TVDVD vs. all DVD 2004
US TVDVD Releases 2004
USA: Consumer spending on video software by sector 1992-2004
USA: Consumer spending on retail video by format 1992-2004
USA: TVDVD as share of all DVD 2002-2004
USA: Average retail DVD prices 2002-2009
USA: Consumer spending on DVD 2002-2009
Western Europe: Consumer spending on video software by sector 1992-2004
Western Europe: Consumer spending on retail video by format 1992-2004
Western Europe: TVDVD as share of all DVD 2002-2004
Western Europe: Average retail DVD prices 2002-2009
Western Europe: Consumer spending on DVD 2002-2009
Western Europe vs. USA: TVDVD sales as a proportion of all DVD sales 2002-2009
European TVDVD unit sales by country: 2004
European TVDVD unit sales by country: 2009
UK: Consumer spending on video software by sector 1992-2004
UK: Consumer spending on retail video by format 1992-2004
UK: TVDVD as share of all DVD 2002-2004
UK: Average retail DVD prices 2002-2009
UK: Consumer spending on DVD 2002-2009
France: Consumer spending on video software by sector 1992-2004
France: Consumer spending on retail video by format 1992-2004
France: TVDVD as share of all DVD 2002-2004
France: Average retail DVD prices 2002-2009
France: Consumer spending on DVD 2002-2009
Germany: Consumer spending on video software by sector 1992-2004
Germany: Consumer spending on retail video by format 1992-2004
Germany: TVDVD as share of all DVD 2002-2004
Germany: Average retail DVD prices 2002-2009
Germany: Consumer spending on DVD 2002-2009
USA: TVDVD market 2002-2009
Western Europe: TVDVD market 2002-2009
UK: TVDVD market 2002-2009
France: TVDVD market 2002-2009
Germany: TVDVD market 2002-2009
US: Studio share of total TVDVD sales 2004
UK: Studio share of TV video sales 2004
UK: TV-on-video all-time chart to end 2004
UK: TV-fed distributors� share of TV video sales 2004
US: TV-fed distributors� share of TVDVD sales 2004
US: Independent distributors� share of TVDVD sales 2004
UK: Independent distributors� share of TV video sales 2004
US DVD retailer market shares 2004
UK trade sector market shares: TV video by volume 2004
UK trade sector market shares: All video by volume 2004
UK online DVD video rentals by genre 2004
Why US consumers say they buy TVDVD
US: Best selling TVDVD January-December 2004
UK: Best selling TVDVD January-December 2004
France: Best selling TVDVD January-December 2004
Spain: Best selling TVDVD January-December 2004
Germany: Best selling TVDVD January-December 2004
Italy: Best selling TVDVD January-December 2004
US: Leading comedy TVDVD distributors 2004
US TVDVD: Sales by volume 2004
US TVDVD: Releases 2004
US: Leading drama TVDVD distributors 2004
US: Best selling drama TVDVD 2004
US: Best selling science fiction TVDVD 2004
US: Best selling action/adventure TVDVD 2004
US: Best selling horror TVDVD 2004
US: Best selling mystery/suspense TVDVD 2004
US: Best selling documentary TVDVD 2004
US TVDVD single discs vs. multi-disc releases 1999-2004
Typical costs breakdown by European/US DVD
US: Top 20 TVDVDs by volume 2004
US: Average TVDVD sales 2004
US: Average sales per genre 2004
Top 10 TVDVDs as proportion of total DVD sales 2004
Change in average consumer price of retail DVD since launch
US: Average TVDVD price by genre 2004
French: DVD price points 2004
UK: Average pricing for TVDVD products 2004
Levels of video piracy in Europe 2004
Top 10 pirate TV program downloads worldwide: February 2005