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If you have specific data needs for business plan development, AMR�s proprietary Data and Projection Models are available for online purchase. 

Data analysis covers the full range of technologies, creative product, distribution channels, and business dynamics that impact Hollywood aftermarket financial performance.  Databases include the U.S. revenue histories of all entertainment media back to the earliest days of radio and black & white TV.  Projection models that relate entertainment hardware, product, and consumer behavior extend out as far as 2015. 

Comprehensive new technology forecasts are generated through the integration of historical learning with an intuitive understanding of how new product features, functionality, and benefits will impact consumer behavior.  These analyses, combined with macro-economic and market trends, produce unsurpassed forecast accuracy.

Data and Projection Model spreadsheets in Excel format can be purchased on an a la carte basis and downloaded for immediate use.  As with all AMR publications, Hollywood Aftermarket Newsletter subscribers receive a 15% discount off of purchase price.  Subjects currently available for sale online are as follows:


Consumer Spending by Technology

Introduced in January 2007, Consumer Spending by Entertainment Technology is AMR's newest model. Covering the years 2005 through 2007, it provides estimates of consumer spending on seven types of home entertainment. Included in the model's 40 rows of data are spending estimates for movies, television, music, and video games broken down by delivery platform (i.e. packaged media, Internet, cable), as well as by revenue model (i.e. sales, rental, subscription).

Format: Downloadable Excel Spreadsheet
Updated: 8/1/2008

Price  $100.00

HDTV Delivery Networks

A comprehensive look at the state of high-definition television in the U.S. Includes a detailed analysis of HD subscribers by delivery network and estimated HDTV households of three types�HD-display, HD-addressable and HD-using�with history beginning in 2003 and projections to 2012.

Format: Downloadable Excel Spreadsheet

Updated: September 2008

View Line Items

Format: Downloadable Excel Spreadsheet
Updated: 9/12/2008

Price  $595.00

Internet Video Model

AMR�s Internet Video model is the first industry forecast of all Internet distribution revenue pipelines for both television programming and feature films. The two-worksheet, 116 row model provides estimates for 2007 with projections out to 2012 for in-stream ad-supported, subscription, rental, and download-to-own video. In addition to TV, the in-stream advertising section of the model includes a breakout of music, news/sports/information, and user-generated content. The paid video section breaks out TV and movie spending and revenue for download-to-own, rental, and subscription distribution.

Format: Downloadable Excel Spreadsheet

Updated: March 2008

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Format: Downloadable Excel Spreadsheet
Updated: 3/25/2008

Price  $595.00

Video Sell-Through

The history of packaged video sales to consumers from 1981 to 2008, along with AMR�s projections of the market�s future to 2017, in one comprehensive spreadsheet. Delivered as a downloadable Excel spreadsheet with 65 rows of proprietary data detailing household penetration of all video playback devices, and per-household high-definition, DVD, and historical VHS purchasing behavior. Tracks hardware penetration and disc consumption of high-definition and DVD console, movie-capable game console, PC High-Def DVD-ROM, and PC DVD-ROM households separately. Includes pricing trends, and a comparison of supplier net v. gross.

Format: Downloadable Excel Spreadsheet

Updated: February 2009

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Format: Downloadable Excel Spreadsheet
Updated: 2/17/2009

Price  $595.00

Video Rental

This spreadsheet details the history of the video rental business from its inception in 1981 to 2008, with AMR's projections of the market's future to 2017. The model includes projections for HD DVD, Blu-ray, and DVD rental, and an analysis of the online subscription and kiosk rental sectors. It contains over 100 rows of proprietary data detailing the growth of HD DVD, Blu-ray, DVD and VCR households and tracks the evolution of consumer rental behavior. Includes estimates of rentals per average HD DVD, Blu-ray, DVD, and VHS household, total rental transactions per year by format, and studio revenue from sale of rental units to stores. Tracks HD DVD, Blu-ray and DVD console, movie-capable game console, PC High-Def DVD-ROM, and PC DVD-ROM households' rental behavior separately.

Format: Downloadable Excel Spreadsheet

Updated: February 2009

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Format: Downloadable Excel Spreadsheet
Updated: 2/27/2009

Price  $595.00

High Speed Internet Model

A detailed look at the Internet connectivity of U.S. households.  Includes the history of dial-up households from 1995. Data on the roll-out of high-speed access begins with DSL and cable modems in 1997 and satellite/other broadband in 1998 with projections to 2015. The 75-row model also provides detail on pricing, and residential vs. small business penetration.

Format: Downloadable Excel Spreadsheet

Updated: July '06

Format: Downloadable Excel Spreadsheet
Updated: 6/30/2006

Price  $595.00

Video Game Model

AMR's Video Game Model includes the history and future of game consoles and software sales from 2000 to 2012. It features projections for previous generations, the current generation (Xbox 360, PlayStation 3 and Wii), and a putative future generation of game consoles. Included in the 77-row model are estimates for hardware and software unit sales, as well as software consumer spending.

Format: Downloadable Excel Spreadsheet

Updated: February '08

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Format: Downloadable Excel Spreadsheet
Updated: 2/14/2008

Price  $595.00

Studio Home Video Market Share 2007

Studio home video revenue and market share estimates for Buena Vista (Disney), DreamWorks, First Look, Genius (Weinstein), Lionsgate, MGM, New Line, Paramount, Sony (Columbia Tristar), Twentieth Century Fox, Universal, and Warner Brothers. Includes estimates of studio gross revenue from new release and catalog rental and sell-through markets separately for DVD and high-def video (HDV), which includes Blu-ray and HD DVD, with revenue estimates and market share for each studio.

Format: Downloadable Excel Spreadsheet

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Format: Downloadable Excel Spreadsheet
Updated: 2/29/2008

Price  $595.00

Studio Home Video Market Share 1996-2006

Historical review of studio home video revenue and market share estimates for Artisan, Buena Vista (Disney), Columbia TriStar (Sony), DreamWorks, Lions Gate, MGM, New Line, Paramount, Twentieth Century Fox, Universal, Warner Brothers and others. Includes estimates of studio gross revenue from rental and sell-through markets with market share for each studio. Level of detail available varies by year 1996-2000.  From 2001 onward, revenue from rental and sell-through are detailed for both formats. Catalog and new release are detailed separately. VHS from 1996-2006, DVD from 2000-2006.

Format: Downloadable Excel Spreadsheet

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Format: Downloadable Excel Spreadsheet
Updated: 2/29/2008

Price  $1450.00

Video Retail Market Share By Store Type

A comprehensive picture of the retail end of the video market. Detailed 2007 market share data on DVD and VHS rentals and sales by class of trade that includes video specialty stores, mass merchandisers, warehouse clubs, supermarkets, online, and others. Model estimates reflect the growth in importance of mass merchandisers to retail, and online subscription to rental. In addition to class of trade data, it includes an analysis of sell-through sales and share by company for the top 40 retailers.

Format: Downloadable Excel Spreadsheet

View Line Items

Format: Downloadable Excel Spreadsheet
Updated: 5/31/2008

Price  $595.00


Entire contents © 2009, Adams Media Research, Inc. All rights reserved.