Video Rental Line Items
VHS, DVD and HDV rental consumption and revenue data. Comprehensive history of VHS rental from 1981 to 2007, DVD from 1997 to 2007, and HDV from 2006 to 2007. VHD, DVD and HDV projections from 2008 through 2016. Also provides historical and projected data on DVD kiosk rentals and DVD/HDV in-store and online subscription rental. Includes the line items below:
Year-End TV Households (Y-E TV HH)
HDV Traditional Rental:
Y-E HD Set-Top HH
Traditional HD Set-Top Rental Transactions
Traditional HD Set-Top Rental Consumer Spending
Y-E BD Set-Top HH
Traditional BD Set-Top Rental Transactions
Traditional BD Set-Top Rental Consumer Spending
Y-E HDV Set-Top HH
Penetration of TV HH
Annual HDV Rentals Per Avg. HDV Set-Top HH
Traditional HDV Set-Top Rental Transactions
Avg. Rental Rate
Traditional Set-Top HDV Rental Consumer Spending
Y-E HD Game HH
HD Game-Only HH Rental Transactions
HD Game-Only Rental Spending
Y-E BD Game HH
BD Game-Only HH Rental Transactions
BD Game-Only Rental Spending
Penetration of TV HH
S-A Avg. HDV Game-Only HH
Annual Rentals Per Avg. HDV Game-Only HH
HDV Game-Only HH Rental Transactions
HDV Game-Only Rental Spending
HD PC-Only HH Rental Transactions
HD PC-Only Rental Spending
BD PC-Only HH Rental Transactions
BD PC-Only Rental Spending
Penetration of PC HH
S-A Avg. HDV PC-Only HH
Annual Rentals Per Avg. HDV PC-Only HH
HDV PC-Only HH Rental Transactions
HDV PC-Only Rental Spending
Unduplicated HDV HH (any type)
Penetration of TV HH
Total Traditional HDV Rental Transactions
Avg. Rental Rate
Total Traditional HDV Rental Consumer Spending
% Change
DVD Traditional Rental:
Y-E DVD Set-Top HH
Penetration of TV HH
Annual DVD Rentals Per Avg. Set-Top HH
Traditional DVD Set-Top Rental Transactions
Avg. Rental Rate
Traditional Set-Top DVD Rental Consumer Spending
Penetration of TV HH
Avg. DVD Game-Only DVD HH
Annual Rentals Per Avg. DVD Game-Only HH
DVD Game-Only Rental Transactions
DVD Game-Only Rental Spending
Penetration of TV HH
Avg. DVD PC-Only HH
Annual Rentals Per Avg. DVD PC-Only HH
DVD PC-Only HH Rental Transactions
DVD PC-Only Rental Spending
Unduplicated DVD HH (any type)
Penetration of TV HH
Total Traditional DVD Rental Transactions
Total Traditional DVD Rental Consumer Spending
DVD Kiosk Rental:
Total Kiosks
Total Rental Transactions
Total Spending
% Change
HDV/DVD Subscription Rental:
Y-E In-Store Subscription Rental Subs
Y-E In-Store Subscription Rental Subs
In-Store Subscription Rental Transactions
In-Store Subscription Rental Spending
Y-E Online Subscription Rental Subs
Online Subscription Rental Transactions
Online Subscription Rental Spending
Total Subscription Rental Transactions
Total Subscription Rental Spending
VHS Rental:
Y-E VCR Set-Top HH
Penetration of TV HH
Annual VHS Rentals/Avg. VCR HH
Total VHS Rental Transactions
Avg. Rental Rate
VHS Rental Consumer Spending
Total VHS Supplier Rental Revenue
VHS/DVD/HDV Rental Totals:
Y-E Unduplicated Video HH
Penetration of TV HH
Total Traditional Video Rental Transactions
Total Traditional Video Rental Spending
% Change
Total Video Rental Transactions (Inc. Subscription & Kiosk)
Avg. Rental Rate
Total Video Rental Spending (Inc. Subscription & Kiosk)
% Change
Studio Video Rental Revenue
% Change
Net Supplier Video Revenue
% Change