NEW! Video-On-Demand: The Future of Media Networks
True video-on-demand is finally here:  Eighteen million U. S. cable subscribers have instant access to movies with the click of a remote. Thirty-two million broadband homes can download Hollywood�s biggest hits with the click of a mouse. But few are clicking. What�s wrong with VOD?�

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NEW!  The Future of Video Rental: A Strategic Analysis
An in-depth exploration of the forces driving the video rental business and the factors that will both support and limit its growth in the future.
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Selling Video: A Strategic Analysis
AMR's definitive look at video sell-through: the history and development of a $14 billion market producing $11.5 billion in revenue for the studios. Includes newly updated 04' video sales and projections to 2013.
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Hot off the Presses! 
2005 First Half Titles Database
Now you can have all the details of every title's theatrical and video performance --box office, screens at widest release, weeks in theaters, and more, plus DVD and VHS shipments to the rental and retail sales markets and the studio revenue from each pipeline. 
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The Arrival of TV-On-Demand
Spurred on by the initial success of the Video iPod and individual episode sales of Desperate Housewives and Lost on iTunes, the studios, broadcast networks, and Cable MSO�s have introduced a series of initiatives that could stimulate Internet VOD spending while dramatically altering TV�s 50-year-old business model�
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Newly Updated!
Adams Media Research's Home Video Rental Model and Sell-Through Model have been updated based on first half 2005 results.  
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Adams Media Research and Screen Digest Form Trans-Atlantic Partnership    
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