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Film and Video

AMR's newest data models!
Video-On-Demand Market Data. Comprehensive data on cable and Internet VOD, plus ALC spending on cable & DBS, and telco TV strategies: history from 1997, projections to 2014. Includes the line items below.  
Price: $495

Traditional Subscription Networks


 YE Basic Subscriptions (all networks)

 YE Unduplicated Subscription Households

Percentage of TV Homes

Cable/Telco Networks

 Digital Cable Subscriptions

 Percentage of TV Homes

 Telco Video Subscriptions

 Percentage of TV Homes

 YE Total Cable/Telco Subs 

 Percentage of TV Homes

 Year-End Digital Cable and Telco Subscribers

 Percentage of TV Homes

Digital Percentage of Total Cable/Telco Subscribers

 Cable/Telco A La Carte Services

 YE Cable PPV Movie HH (<12 ch.)

Monthly PPV Movie Buy Rate

 PPV Buys

 PPV Movie Spending

 Studio PPV Revenue

 YE Cable NVOD Movie HH (13+ ch.)

Monthly NVOD Movie Buy Rate

 NVOD Buys

 NVOD Movie Spending

 Studio NVOD Revenue

 Cable/Telco Video-on-Demand

 YE Cable and Telco VOD Enabled HH

 Percentage Of Total Cable/Telco Subscriptions

 Percentage of TV Homes

Avg. Monthly VOD-Using HH as % of Enabled HH

Avg. Monthly Cable/Telco VOD-Using HH

 Monthly Rentals Per Cable/Telco-VOD-Using HH

 Monthly Cable/Telco VOD Movie Buy Rate

 Cable and Telco VOD Movie Rentals

 Avg. Price/Rental

 Cable and Telco VOD Movie Spending

 Studio Cable and Telco VOD Movie Rev.

 Cable/Telco A La Carte Totals

 Total Cable and Telco ALC Movie Buys

 Cable and Telco ALC Movie Spending

 Studio Cable and Telco ALC Movie Rev.

 DBS and Other Networks

 YE Basic DBS Subs

Average DBS Buy Rate

 DBS ALC Spending

 Studio DBS ALC Revenue

 Other ALC Homes

 Other ALC Buys

 Other ALC Spending

 Studio Other ALC Revenue

 Traditional Supscription Network Totals

 YE Basic Subscriptions 

Multi-Sub Percentage

 YE Unduplicated Subscription HH


 ALC Movie Rentals

 Total ALC Movie Spending

 Studio ALC Movie Revenue

Internet Video-On-Demand

 YE High Speed Homes

 Percentage Of TV HH

YE PC-Only High-Speed Homes

 YE TV-Connected High-Speed Homes

Percentage Of TV HH

 PC-Only High Speed Market

 Avg. Video Services Subscription HH

 Subscription Spending

 Studio Subscription Revenue

 Annual Rentals/PC-Only Home

 Annual Rentals

 Rental Spending

 Studio Rental Revenue

 Annual Buys/PC-Only Home

 Annual Buys

 Purchase Spending

 Studio Purchase Revenue

 TV-Connected High Speed Market

 Avg. Video Services Subscription HH

 Subscription Spending

 Studio Subscription Revenue

 Annual Rentals/TV-Connected Home

 Annual Rentals

 Rental Spending

 Studio Rental Revenue

 Annual Buys/Home

 Annual Buys

 Purchase Spending

 Studio Purchase Revenue

 Total High Speed Market

 Internet Subscription Spending

 Internet Rental Spending

 Internet Purchase Spending

 Consumer Internet Spending

 Studio Internet Revenue

All Network Totals

 Network Movie Spending - ALC                         (Proprietary Network & IN)

 Network Studio ALC Revenue                        (Proprietary Network & IN)



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Video Game Model
AMR's newest data models!
Video Game Market Data. Set-top hardware sales, active households, total games sales and revenue: history from 2000, projections to 2010. Includes the line items below.  
Price: $495

Previous Generation (N64, Playstation)

 HW Units Sold

 Year-end Active HH

 SW units bought/HH

 SW Units Sold

 SW Sales

 % Change



 PS2 HW Units Sold

 PS2 Year-end Active HH

 SW units bought/HH

 SW Units Sold

 SW Sales

 % Change



 Xbox HW Units Sold

 Xbox Year-end Active HH

 SW units bought/HH

 SW Units Sold

 SW Sales

 % Change

Game Cube

 GC HW Units Sold

 Game Cube Year-end Active HH

 SW units bought/HH

 SW Units Sold

 SW Sales

 % Change



PS3 HW Units Sold

PS3 Year-end Active HH

SW units bought/HH

SW Units Sold

SW Sales

% Change


Xbox 360

Xbox 360 HW Units Sold

Xbox 360 Year-end Active HH

SW units bought/HH

SW Units Sold

SW Sales

% Change

Nintendo Revolution

Nintendo Revolution HW Units Sold

Nintendo Revolution Year-end Active HH

SW units bought/HH

SW Units Sold

SW Sales

% Change


 Total Set-Top Market

 HW Units Sold

 Year-end Active HH (Unduplicated)

 SW units bought/HH

 SW Units Sold

 SW Sales

 % Change

Order Video Game Model Now     
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Video Rental
Newly updated based on 2004 results!
Consumer Video Rental Market Data. Comprehensive history of VHS rental from 1981 to 2004, DVD from 1997 to 2004. DVD and VHS projections from 2005 through 2013. Includes the line items below.  
Price: $495

Home Video Hardware Penetration:

Year-End TV Households (HH)

Year-End VCR-Using HH

Set- Top DVD Players Shipped

Year-End Set-Top DVD HH

DVD Penetration of TV HH

VHS Rental Consumer Spending:

Annual Rentals/Avg. VCR-Installed HH

Total VHS Rental Turns

Average Rental Rate

VHS Rental Consumer Spending

VHS Rental Supplier Revenue

DVD Rental Consumer Spending:

Annual Rentals/Average. Set-top HH

DVD Set-Top Rental Turns

Average Rental Rate

Set-Top DVD Rental Consumer Spending

Year-End Multi-Purpose (Game) HH

Year-End Multi-Purpose HH Without Set-Top DVD

Rentals Per Average DVD Game-Only HH

DVD Game-Only HH Rental Turns


Year-End HH W/Out DVD-Video or Multi-Purpose-DVD

Annual Rentals Per Average PC-DVD-ROM-Only HH

PC-DVD-ROM-Only HH Rental Turns

DVD Rental Totals:

Year-End Total DVD HH - all types

Penetration of TV HH

Total DVD Turns

DVD Rental Consumer Spending

DVD Rental Supplier Revenue

VHS & DVD Combined Total:

Total Video Units Rented (Turns)

Total Rental Spending

Studio Video Rental Revenue

Order Video Rental Now
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Video Sell-Through  
Newly updated based on 2004 results!
VHS and DVD Sell-Though consumption and revenue data. Comprehensive history of VHS sell-through from 1981 to 2004, DVD from 1997 to 2004. DVD and VHS projections from 2005 through 2013. Includes the line items below. 
Price: $495
Home Video Hardware Penetration:
Year-End TV Households (HH)
Year-End VCR-Using HH
Set-Top DVD Players Shipped
Year-End Set-Top DVD HH
Console Penetration of TV HH
VHS Sell-Through (ST) Consumer Spending:
Annual Buys/Average HH
Total VHS Units Sold to Consumers
Average Price
VHS ST Consumer Spending
Net VHS Units Shipped to ST
Net Supplier VHS ST Revenue
Gross VHS Units Shipped to ST
Gross Supplier VHS ST Revenue
DVD Sell - Through Consumer Spending:
Annual Disc Buys/Average Set-Top HH
SW Units Sold to Set-Top HH
Weighted Average Price
DVD Set-Top HH ST Spending
Year-End Multi-Purpose (Game) HH
Year-End Multi-Purpose (MP) HH Without Set-Top DVD
SW Units Per MP-Only HH
SW Units Sold To MP - Only HH
Year-End HH W/OUT DVD-Video or MP-DVD
SW Units Per  PC-DVD-Only HH
SW Units Sold To PC-DVD-Only HH
DVD Sell-Through Totals:
Year-End Total DVD HH - all types (unduplicated)
Penetration of TV HH
Total DVD Units Sold to Consumers
DVD ST Consumer Spending
Net DVD Units Shipped to ST 
Net Supplier Revenue from DVD ST 
Gross DVD Units Shipped to ST
Gross Supplier DVD ST Revenue
VHS & DVD Combined Totals:
Total Video Units Sold to Consumers
Total Sell-Through Consumer Spending
Gross Supplier St Revenue
Net Supplier Sell-Through Revenue
Order Video Sell-Through Now
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DVD and VHS Shipments
Newly updated based on 2004 results!
Detailed history of VHS Sell-Through and Rental shipments 1981-2004. Projections 2005-2013. DVD history from 1997 to 2004. Projection of DVD shipments 2005-2012. Includes supplier shipments and revenue for pipeline inventory. Includes the line items below.   
Price: $495  
Home Video Hardware Penetration:
Year-End TV Households (HH)
Year-End Set-Top DVD HH
Year-End VCR-Using HH
DVD Sell-Through (ST) Market:
Total DVD Units Sold to Consumers
DVD ST Consumer Spending 
DVD Sell-Through Shipments:
New DVD Stores
Year-End DVD Stores
Average Inventory/Store
New Warehouses Stocked
Year-End Warehouses
Average Inventory/Warehouse
Total Industry Inventory
Total Pipeline Discs Sold
Studio ST Pipeline Revenue
Net DVD Units Shipped to ST  
Net Supplier Revenue from DVD ST 
Units Returned
Gross DVD Units Shipped to ST
Supplier Revenue Per Unit Shipped
Gross Supplier DVD ST Revenue
DVD Rental Market:
Total DVD Turns
DVD Rental Consumer Spending
DVD Rental Shipments:
New DVD Rental Stores
Year-End DVD Rental Stores
Average Inventory/Store
Total Industry Inventory
Total Pipeline Discs Sold
Studio Rental Pipeline Revenue
Maintenance Discs Sold
Studio Revenue from Maintenance Discs
DVD Rental Units Shipped
DVD Rental Supplier Revenue
DVD Total Shipments:
Net DVD Units Shipped
Net DVD Supplier Revenue
Gross  DVD Units Shipped
Gross DVD Supplier Revenue
VHS Sell-Through Market:
Total VHS Units Sold to Consumers
VHS ST Consumer Spending 
VHS Sell-Through Shipments:
Year-End VHS Inventory
VHS Pipeline Growth (Reduction)
Net VHS Units Shipped to ST
Units Returned
Gross VHS Units Shipped to ST
Gross Supplier Rev./ST-Priced Tape Shipped
Gross Supplier VHS ST-Priced Revenue
VHS Rental Market:
Total VHS Rental Turns
VHS Rental Consumer Spending
VHS Rental Shipments:
VHS Rental-Priced Units Shipped
Wtd. Avg. Supplier Rev./Rental-Priced Tape Shipped
VHS Supplier Rev. from Rental-Priced Tapes Shipped
ST-Priced VHS Units Shipped to Rental Stores
Studio Rev. from ST-Priced VHS Shipped to Rental
Total VHS Units Shipped to Rental
Total VHS Supplier Rental Revenue
VHS Total Shipments:
Net VHS Units Shipped
Net Supplier VHS Revenue
Gross VHS Units Shipped
Gross Supplier VHS Revenue
DVD & VHS Shipment Totals:
Gross  Video Units Shipped to Sell-Through
Gross Video Units Shipped to Rental
Total Gross Video Units Shipped
Order DVD and VHS Shipments Now
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Studio Home Video Market Share 2004
Studio gross revenue and market share information delivered as four spreadsheets in a single Excel file, providing DVD and VHS analysis by price point and by target pipeline�rental v. sell-through.
Price: $495

Studio Home Video Market Share 1996-2003
VHS from 1996-2003, DVD from 2000-2003. Studio gross revenue and market share information delivered as four spreadsheets in a single Excel file showing history back to 1996. Provides DVD and VHS analysis by price point and by target pipeline�rental v. sell-through.
Price: $1,200

Rental-Priced VHS

Total Rental-Priced Revenue

Total Rental-Priced VHS Market Share

Sell-Through Priced VHS

 New Release Rental Revenue

 New Release Sell-Through Revenue

Total New Release Revenue

Catalog & Non-Feature Sell-Through Revenue

Total ST-Priced VHS Revenue

Sell-Through Priced VHS Market Share


New Release Rental Revenue

New Release Sell-Through Revenue

Total New Release Revenue

Catalog & Non-Feature Rental Revenue

Catalog & Non-Feature Sell-Through Revenue

Total Catalog & Non-Feature Revenue

Total DVD Revenue

Total DVD Market Share

Video Rental Market: Tapes & Discs

VHS Rental-Priced Rental Revenue

VHS ST-Price Rental Revenue

DVD New Release Rental Revenue

DVD Catalog Rental Revenue

Combined Total Rental Revenue

Rental Market Share

Video Sell-Through Market: Tapes & Discs

VHS New Release Sell-Through Revenue

VHS New Release Sell-Through Revenue

DVD New Release Sell-Through Revenue

DVD Catalog Sell-Through Revenue

Combined Total Sell-Through Revenue

Sell-Through Market Share

DVD & VHS: Rental & Sell-Through

Total Video Revenue

% Change '01-'02

Video Market Share


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Film Entertainment by Pipeline
Updated for 2004!
All-inclusive model of studio revenue by pipeline: e.g. Rental, Sell-Through, A la carte networks, Pay TV, Cable. History 1991-2003. Projections through 2013.
Includes the line items below.  
Price: $495
Studio Revenue By Pipeline:
Video Rental (VHS/DVD)
Video Sell-Through (Features)
Total Home Video (Features)
Total A La Carte (PPV, NVOD, VOD)
Total Premium TV
Broadcast Networks
TV Syndication
Basic Cable
Percent of Total:
Home Video
Total A La Carte  (PPV, NVOD, VOD)
Premium TV
Broadcast Networks
TV Syndication
Basic Cable

Order Film Entertainment by Pipeline Now      
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Video Retail Market Share By Store Type 2003
VHS and DVD rental and sell-through market share by store type for 2003, with total sales and rentals by top
companies. Includes the line items below.
Price: $
Mass Merchants
Video Specialty
Wholesale Clubs
Super Markets
Drug Stores
Consumer Electronics
Toy Stores
Other Retail
Online Sales
Club Sales
Other Video Specialty Stores
Record Stores
Other Outlets
VHS Results for Sales Category 
Stores Selling VHS
Average Inventory 
Tapes Sold Per Outlet
Total Units Sold
Average Retail Price
Total Retail Revenue
Market Share
DVD Results for sales category 
(2000 on ward):
Stores Selling DVD
Average Inventory Units
Total Discs Sold Per Outlet
Total Units Sold
Average Retail Price
Total Retail Revenue
Market Share
Results for Rental Category:
Rental Outlets
Average Inventory/Outlet
Category Inventory
Total Turns/Segment
Share of Turns
Average Rental Price
Total Retail Revenue
Average Revenue Per Outlet
Market Share

Order Video Retail Market Share Now     
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Titles Database

Titles Database

AMR estimates of video units and revenue on all feature films released on VHS from 1996 to present, and major-studio releases from 1989 to1995, with DVD units and revenue estimates on every title beginning in 2000. Click below to view sample fields and pricing. 

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