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RPT-102 The Outlook for TVDVD

A Strategic Analysis of the US and European Markets

Since 2002, the TVDVD genre has expanded from a $1.4B business in the US and Western Europe combined, to a segment that generated $4.8B in revenue in 2004, and helped fuel the double-digit growth of the overall DVD market. �The Outlook for TVDVD:  A Strategic Analysis of the US and European Markets� is a new report that will help you better understand the genre�s exponential growth rate to-date, and provide insight into where the market is heading in the future.

�The Outlook for TVDVD�, which combines the video market expertise of Screen Digest in Europe and Adams Media Research in the US, includes detailed historical and forecast data on TVDVD revenue and market share for the US, Western Europe (total) as well as the UK, France and Germany. Also included in the report is a TVDVD pricing analysis, studio share by market, and several other models and data tables essential to understanding this rapidly growing business.
Some of the report highlights are as follows:

  • Growth rates for TVDVD are forecast to outpace those for the overall DVD market between now and 2009.
  • The TVDVD boom is opening up the DVD marketplace to new demographic groups.
  • Prices for TVDVD are holding up more strongly than those for feature films.
  • There is little correlation between TV ratings and the success of a release on DVD.
  • Product preferences vary by county.
  • From a producer�s perspective, TVDVD revenue potential has impacted not only the typical show�s financials, but also the production of the creative product itself.
  • The Internet accounts for a greater percentage of TVDVD sales than for the overall DVD market.

Paramount�s 1999 decision to market two episodes of Star Trek on a single DVD disc virtually created the genre in the US overnight.  In contrast, for the UK the concept is a familiar one, due to a strong market for TV on VHS that is almost as old as the video business. All around Europe, distributors are fast becoming aware of TVDVD�s potential, and working to grow their local markets.

As the overall DVD market begins to mature, distributors, producers, and retailers will look for more ways to grow their businesses. �The Outlook for TVDVD�, will help identify the revenue generating opportunities still available from TV content, the impact of the genre on overall category sales and user demographics, and the lessons that can be learned from TVDVD for building sales of other non-feature genres.   This is a must-have report for anyone with a stake in home video or the broader entertainment business.

For the following report detail click here:

Table of Contents / List of Table and Charts

We�re certain that this comprehensive overview of the TVDVD market economics and trends will prove invaluable to you and your company.

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Format: Downloadable PDF
Updated: June 2007

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  • Print only  $1995.00

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  • Online and print  $3990.00

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