In June's Hollywood Aftermarket: A Story of Universal Interest...
All eyes in Hollywood are on Paris as Vivendi ponders bids for Universal Pictures and its other entertainment assets. With MGM and Liberty Media among the bidders, the impact of a deal on the aftermarkets that represent 76% of Hollywood�s film entertainment revenue could be enormous. And with the deal coming at the dawn of the on-demand network era, the implications are far reaching...

Also in June:
Cable is finding out that selling high-speed access is easy and profitable. What are the implications for programmers�. Does the video industry need HD-DVD? When will it see the first players and discs? And what impact will it have on the market?�

Other 2003 issues have contained:

First half Video results: Analysis of consumer spending and studio revenue from DVD and VHS rentals and sales.

Retail Market Share�Video retail sales and revenue analyzed across the market and store-by-store.

Video Market Share by Studio�Rental and Sell-Through, DVD and VHS AMR�s exclusive video market projection model through 2007

Analysis of the titles available on the Internet services MovieLink and CinemaNow

Analysis of buy rates in various a la carte networks from cable pay-per-view to video-on-demand

How many books, records, CDs, DVDs and movie tickets do US households buy every year?

Internet music services: who�s licensed to whom? And which consumer propositions are winning out?

Video sales performance 2002 analyzed by box-office range

Top 10 video titles of 2002: Gross v. net studio revenue analysis

Plus our monthly data on the titles due on video in the month ahead�box-office, stars, weeks in theaters, peak # of screens, MPAA rating, VHS and DVD pricing�everything you need for planning and analyzing titles in the aftermarket windows. Join the leading industry executives and top analysts and investors who wouldn�t dream of trying 
to stay abreast of movie industry trends without Hollywood Aftermarket.

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