Click Here for a free copy of the December Hollywood Aftermarket

In December's Hollywood Aftermarket: And a little fish shall lead them: Disney/Pixar�s Finding Nemo became the biggest grossing initial video release of all time in 2003, generating $459 mil. in net studio revenue. But previous initial shipment record holder, Disney�s own Lion King, kept its status as the top video title of all time by becoming one of the most successful re-releases of all time...Also, a preliminary look at the year-end results for the video market as a whole.

Also in December:
AMR�s ranking of the top 10 video titles of the year, and an analysis of how their video take stacks up against the net rentals they generated in theaters�And some answers to the question: With stocks in many industry�s jumping to record gains in 2003, why are studio stocks lagging the market in the midst of this DVD profit explosion?

Other 2003 issues have contained:

Analysis of the digital video recorder market with hardware penetration and projections

First half video results: Analysis of consumer spending and studio revenue from DVD and VHS rentals and sales based on first half data with updated projections

Detailed look at the digital cable rollout, the role of DBS and why digital network growth is slowing

Retail Market Share�Video retail sales and rentals analyzed by retail categories: mass merchants, specialty stores, online

Video game market analysisHardware penetration and software sales by platform with projections

Video market share by studio�DVD and VHS rental and sell-through, by price and by pipeline

Analysis of film entertainment revenue by distribution pipeline (theatrical, video, PPV/ VOD, Pay TV) with projections

Plus our monthly data on the titles due on video in the month ahead�box-office, stars, weeks in theaters, peak # of screens, MPAA rating, VHS and DVD pricing�everything you need for planning and analyzing titles in the aftermarket windows. Join the leading industry executives and top analysts and investors who wouldn�t dream of trying to stay abreast of movie industry trends without Hollywood Aftermarket...Subscribe Now!

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