Adams Forecasts
High Speed Internet to 2012

The biggest connectivity companies in each sector will be keepers of the keys to what may prove to be the next big consumer media marketplace. This report takes a close look at the strategic direction being taken by the backers of each of the key broadband technologies, both wired and wireless, and projects the number of homes expected to adopt each form of broadband connectivity in the decade ahead. 
How many homes can really take advantage of broadband connections to enjoy a decent Internet media experience today? How many in two years? In ten? What will be the future mix between cable modem, DSL and other technologies? 

High Speed Internet 
to 2012


  The Direct Connection to the Media Consumer

The number of broadband homes in the U.S. grew nearly 60% in 2002, an even bigger percentage gain than 
DVD households saw. And like DVD, broadband networks have touched off a media consumption frenzy,
although very little incremental revenue is being generated for rights holders since most media delivery over
the Internet today is illegal. 

That is about to change, though, with film studios launching their Movielink service and the legitimate music 
delivery sites revamping to make their offerings more attractive to consumers.  

The answers are in Adams Forecasts: High Speed Internet to 2012 from Adams Media Research, the industry analysts with a decade-long record for accurately predicting the future of emerging digital media technologies and markets. Available April 1, it�s the �state-of-the-art� projection of the future of broadband connectivity. 

Adams Forecasts:  
Concise analysis of key trends: past, present, and future
Detailed tracking of Cable Modem, DSL and Satellite Access household growth
AMR�s proprietary economic model of High Speed Access: from 1997 with

  projections to 2012 (see details below)


 High Speed Internet Forecast--Print Version                                     $550
High Speed Internet Forecast--Print Version with electronic Model   $650

  Hollywood Aftermarket Subscriber Discount:
High Speed Internet Forecast--Print Version                                     $465
High Speed Internet Forecast--Print Version with electronic Model   $550

Data Points from AMR Internet Access Model: 1997-2012:

Household Data
 U.S. Population
 U.S. Households
 Year End PC Homes
 Total U.S.  User    Universe (home and Work)
 Active U.S. User
Universe  (home and work)
Dial-Up Access:
Dial-Up Subscriptions
Multi-Subscription Homes
 Year-End Dial-Up Access Homes
 Average Monthly Dial-Up Fee
 Dial-Up Revenue
% Change


Wired High-Speed Access:
 Year-End Cable Modem Homes
 Average Cable Modem Homes
 Average Monthly Cable Modem  Fee
 Residential Cable Modem  Revenue
% Change
 Year-end DSL Homes
 Average DSL Homes
Average Monthly DSL Fee
 Residential DSL Service Revenue
% Change
Avg. VDSL Homes
VDSL  Fee.
VDSL Revenue
% Change
Total Wired High Speed Homes
Wireless High-Speed Access:
YE Satellite Access Homes
Average Satellite Access Homes

 Average Monthly Satellite Fee

 Satellite Access Revenue
% Change
 YE Residential Fixed Wireless Homes
 Average Fixed Wireless Homes
 Average Fixed Wireless Monthly Fee
 Fixed Wireless Revenue
 YE High Speed Homes
YE Internet Access Homes


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