Adams Forecasts
Film Entertainment by Pipeline to 2012

This groundbreaking 25-page report contains AMR's exclusive history from 1991 and projections to 2012 covering all domestic film entertainment revenue streams: Theatrical, Video Rental and Sell-Through, A la Carte Networks, Premium TV, Broadcast, Basic Cable and Syndication. For the first time, this Second Edition also contains not only estimates of feature film revenue, but histories and projections of non-feature revenue from the sale of TV shows to broadcast networks, cable networks and the syndication market, and the sale of non-feature video products to consumers.

Adams Forecasts:

Film Entertainment by Pipeline to 2012


AMR recently updated our 2003 estimates and projections of the home video market through 2012, based on first half results that were even more robust than expected. In addition, an AMR study completed in September has allowed us to more accurately estimate the feature and non-feature components of video sales. The Second Edition of Film Entertainment by Pipeline to 2012 incorporates this new data, and has been expanded to include revenue from the sale of TV shows and other non-feature video product.

This Second Edition, then, covers the whole domestic market for film entertainment, feature and non-feature, including:
        A detailed breakdown of 2002 studio revenue from video sales of TV product, kidvid, music, sports, exercise and documentaries
        A history from 1991 and projection through 2012 of non-feature studio revenue from broadcast networks, basic cable and syndication. 
        A top sellers chart of miniseries and season packages on DVD 
        Comparison of "participation margins�: the ratio between consumer spending and studio revenue in each delivery format
        Comparison of feature film markets: which pipelines generate the most revenue for the studios?
How much typical film titles can be expected to generate in each aftermarket

Key market trends this report will help you understand:

      Why studio revenues from the rental market are declining, and how far they�ll drop in the decade ahead

      DVD�s contribution to studio revenue from the sell-through market�how high is up?

      What�s plugging up the long-expected video-on-demand gusher?

      What will the pay TV business� move to a subscription-video-on-demand approach mean to studio premium revenue?

      What impact is the shift in viewing share from broadcast networks to cable nets having on studio TV rights sales?

AMR�s exclusive estimates of typical revenue to be expected from each aftermarket pipeline on films in nine different box-office categories

Supplier revenue and consumer spending in each pipeline compared over time!

      Which markets return the biggest percentage of spending to studios?

In which markets is this �participation margin� growing? In which is it shrinking?  

Plus, for the first time ever�  

      The studio take from non-feature product sold to broadcast networks, cable networks, the syndication market and to consumers on DVD

Get the best available data on film entertainment...

     Film Entertainment - Print Version                                          $550
Film Entertainment  - Print Version with electronic Model    $650

     Hollywood Aftermarket Subscriber Discounted Price:
Film Entertainment  - Print Version with electronic Model   $550


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