Key market trends this
report will help you understand:
Why studio revenues from the rental market are
declining, and how far they�ll drop in the decade ahead
DVD�s contribution to studio revenue from the
sell-through market�how high is up?
What�s plugging up the long-expected video-on-demand
What will the pay TV business� move to a
subscription-video-on-demand approach mean to studio premium
What impact is the shift in viewing share from
broadcast networks to cable nets having on studio TV rights
� AMR�s
exclusive estimates of typical revenue to be expected from
each aftermarket pipeline on films in nine different box-office categories
� Supplier
revenue and consumer spending in each pipeline compared over
Which markets return the biggest percentage of
spending to studios?
In which markets is this �participation
margin� growing? In which is it shrinking?
Plus, for the first time ever�
studio take from non-feature product sold to broadcast
networks, cable networks, the syndication market and to
consumers on DVD